Thursday, December 3, 2009

Famous Quotes by John Deere

"I will never put my name on a product that does not have the best that is in me."

"They haven't got to take what we make and somebody else will beat us, and we will lose our trade."

to create an exceptional and sustained experience of genuine value for customers, employees and shareholders - a performance that endures.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

John Deere present time

John Deere is now a huge buisness. It sells tractors, lawn mowers, and mostly anything you need on a farm. John Deere created this company for one simple reason. To help the west on Agriculture. Till this day it still does help mostly any farmers.

John Deere and relations to the West

beacause of John Deere's invention this made the west more simple to farm. The west was now easier to grow crops and make more money. The invention made western agriculture more developed. In this picture on the right it show John Deere cut through tough sod. Even though this was a very simple invention it helped so many new farmers and new settlers coming to the west to farm.

The steel plow

John Deere succesfully created the first commercialy owned steel plow. He made the steel plow in 1837 because of thick sod. Sod is a soil in which it is very hard to cut into. This made Farming a lot more difficult in the west. The invention of the plow helped this problem because of the steel blade that cut easier than wood and other types of plows. This was a very smart invention and was very successful.

John Deere Backround

John Deere is born on February 7, 1804 in Rutland, Vermont. He has five brothers and sisters with just a mother because his father was lost at sea. Impoverished, John Deere took a variety of jobs like producing pans and pots to help out his Mother, Sarah Deere.